Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Picture Perfect

because a picture (and particularly one by kim donald jackson) is worth a thousand words, i don't need to mention that:

gavin now weighs 12 pounds (65th%) and is 23 inches long (60th%)
he has developed a panoply of facial expressions, some serious and some playful, but all laugh provoking

he may grow up to be a punk rocker

he still impresses his parents with his every move (even a simple yawn)

he too often drinks too much while celebrating the longhorns

and his mommy and daddy love him very much

here are some of our other favorite pictures from his professional shoot (thanks kim!)


  1. What beautiful pictures! He is precious. Is there anything more amazing than your own little baby??

  2. Love this blog, guys! The pictures are so great and he is such a cutie. Can't believe that he's already rolled over and pushed himself across a blanket. So sweet. Looks like you are thoroughly enjoying parenthood--I'm so glad!
