Thursday, December 3, 2009

First Day of School

"Gavin had a good first day. He liked the big purple block with mirrors on it, so he could watch himself =). He also liked being rocked in the rocking chair and was really happy as long as he was in someone's lap and was happy for a few minutes at a time being on the floor with his new friends. It takes awhile to get used to so many other babies being in your space!"

-- Note from Leah (Gavin's teacher) about his first morning at school.

We have an amazing kid, but he is not an easy daycare student. He has taken a bottle less than ten times and has fallen asleep with someone other than mom or dad a total of three times. However, at his first day of school yesterday, he drank three ounces from a bottle and slept for 30 minutes. More importantly, he was all smiles and hugs when we picked him up. We're calling it a complete success.