Friday, July 24, 2009

Welcome - Birth to Week 5

we've been a little behind in getting this blog going, so i'm going to try to summarize what has been the most amazing five weeks of our lives in one post, bare with me. (i get a pass for all typos or other mistakes 'cuz i'm not operating on full sleep and often typing one handed with gavin in the other.)

arrival. gavin was born beautiful, super laid back (he has become a bit more . . . um . . . spirited over the past few weeks), and very alert (except in this picture, which is too cute to pass up). we are truly in love.

week 1. if a newborn's facial expressions say anything about what their personality will ultimately be, then gavin is an interesting mix of playful and pensive. he switches between a furrowed brow contemplating his surroundings like a wise old man, a full smile, and a half smile that is either a smurk or an impish grin. we are in trouble.

week 2. during belly time, he picks up his head and looks from left to right. either belly time is not his favorite or he is a show off because he rolled from his belly to his back for the first time at ten days old.

week 3. he has not quite realized that his hands belong to him. as a result, mom and dad had to stop laughing before they could attend to his cries as he grabbed the back of his hair with a white knuckled fist. he has gained better eye coordination (usually, although we still have some crossed eyed moments), and can follow your hand or a persons face as it moves side to side or farther and closer to him.

week 4. at his one month appointment, his pediatrician told us that he is perfect. while i would have assumed the dr. said this to all new parents, after the door closed as she exited the exam room we overheard her tell the nurses, "he is just a perfect baby." we couldn't agree more.

week 5. he has started talking. well, ok, not talking, but verbalizing with something other than a cry. he smiles at daniel at the end of the day when he comes in from work. his smile is heart melting.and for those gavin photo junkies, you can see more pictures here.

kickin' it and chillin

our little mountain climber. if you saw my belly jolt left and right when i was pregnant, then you know that gavin was working out his legs in utero, hard. the first time that we put him on his belly (at about 7 days old) he kicked and kicked, ultimately scooting (slowly) across the blanket. at about two weeks old, he used those little legs to roll from his belly to his back. (i know none of you parents believe it, but he has rolled over a half dozen times in his five weeks and i have the video to prove it. it is available only upon special request, however, because we filmed it during naked time - a daily activity gavin loves.) he has discovered a new game (pop goes the weasel, we call it) that is quite fun for him i'm sure and quite unnerving for mom. when we are sitting on the couch snuggling together with his chest against mine and his little legs tucked in fetal position against my lap, my cheek against the side of his head whispering sweet nothings in his ear, he will without warning and quite violently pop up to a standing position. so far, neither of us has sustained any injuries, but he is getting stronger by the day . . . . for evidence, check out the video of him playing in his "kickin' coaster." he's too little for it, so we have to put a large book between the seat and the kick plate, but it doesn't keep him from popping and marching away.

cold chillin'. after a long day of leg exercises, you can find gavin chillin' in the water. he had his first bath in his big boy bath last week, which has a hammock that cradles him in the water. in true daniel glauser laid back style, he swung his leg over the edge of the hammock dangling his foot in the water (edited again for pg rating) and put his left arm up on the ledge. the only thing missing is the koozie.